A Guide to Pulses

As passionate advocates for great Italian cuisine, we at Napolina present to you our extensive range of pulses. Bursting with flavour and adding a rich texture to numerous dishes, these gems of nutrition are not only low in fat but also loaded with protein and fibre. If you've ever pondered over what pulses are, or how to use them in your cooking, let this serve as your ultimate guide.

So, what are pulses, you ask? 

Pulses are the edible seeds that grow within pods, encompassing all beans, peas, and lentils. Napolina’s exceptional range of pulses includes Chick Peas, Butter Beans, Red Kidney Beans, Cannellini Beans and Borlotti Beans, all integral to soulful Mediterranean cuisine. Moreover, for swift and hassle-free meal solutions, we offer the Five Bean Salad and a Spicy Bean Salad, ready to eat in a delightful dressing. 

Curious about how to cook pulses? 

You can buy pulses either dried or in cans. Whilst dried pulses require soaking and cooking for several hours, canned pulses, already soaked and cooked, offer greater convenience. They can be instantly incorporated into your dishes. 

Why should you indulge in pulses? 

Napolina pulses are not just a delicious and versatile ingredient, they’re a powerhouse of nutrition. They’re a fantastic alternative to meat, teeming with protein. They’re cherished by vegetarians and health-conscious individuals alike, due to their naturally low fat, sugar, and salt content. Contributing to your daily requirement of fruits and vegetables, pulses are also naturally high in fibre. They really are the super power in your kitchen cupboard! 

Napolina pulses can be creatively used in a multitude of dishes. From classic soups like Minestrone, refreshing salads like Napolina’s Mediterranean Pasta Salad, to hearty stews like Napolina’s Pasta and Bean Stew, there’s a pulse for every plate. Want to whip up an easy, delectable starter? Try our Tuscan Style Bean and Tomato recipe. 

Ever wondered how to cook kidney beans? Give our Tuna, Butter Bean and Kidney Bean salad a go. Or if you’ve puzzled over how to cook butter beans, our recipe for Butter Bean Stew will guide you. 

So, join us at Napolina in the celebration of the Italian culinary tradition, and let’s bring the magic of pulses to your kitchen! 

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